I love to drink green tea, that is lot benefit to me especially I am easy get sleepy during working period!?!? A natural thing of me I guess haha.
Recently I try something new, instead of drinking green tea, I use it to my face in these hot seasons. Malaysia is always summer, some time you get sweat at night even you didn't move around.
To cool down myself, I put a cup of green tea inside the fridge for many hours haha. Usually I start put inside the fridge in the morning, when I off duty back home at night I can use it to cooling down my hot stress face!
I realize it not just cooling down my hot stress face, it also seem whitening my skin, and more firm. I am quite satisfy the result so effective by simply do a green tea mask.
Is cheap, non toxic, safe and effective. Easy and you can see result instantly. And it doesn't give you a layer or oily feeling. Fresh and watery! Just like the cooling snow skin type, love love love green tea!